As summer is starting, I have realized that neither of my girls are babies anymore. I sort of missed posting on their birthdays, so I decided to post a few pics for each of them.
Addison Jane- Over four years ago on April 17th, I went into the hospital around 10 p.m. that night and the next day, the 18th, at 12:49 p.m., Addison was born weighing 7 lb. 4 oz. I will never forget that day as long as I live because it was the first day David and I became parents. We were so happy that she was here, and even though we didn't always know what we were doing, we were so thankful that God had trusted us with this baby girl. Addison had a rough start with colic and was not a very good sleeper, but by the time she was 3 months old she was a sweet and happy baby.
And over the last four years we have watched her grow into this sweet natured, compassionate little girl. Addison has always been a little more shy and very tenderhearted towards everyone that she meets. She loves for things to be in a certain order and has many first child characteristics. One of the things I enjoyed watching the most was seeing her become a big sister two years ago and witnessing how sweet and loving she is to Kendall and how much she cares for others. I love seeing her grow and learn new things about life and God, and she has taught me so much about myself as I have learned to be a mother through her. I am forever grateful that God entrusted us with such a sweet little girl to raise.

Kendall Anne- Over two years ago on March 20th I checked into the hospital at 6 a.m. and at 8:39 p.m. Kendall made her entrance into the world. She weighed 7 lb. 3 oz. and had more hair than any of the babies in the nursery! And from day one she was the best baby...slept well, ate well, and was always so happy and friendly to everyone.

And over the past two years we have watched her grow into an independent and loving little girl that always has a way of making us all laugh. She has grown into quite the comedian and is always wanting to do what her big sister does. It has been a blessing to watch her personality grow and develop and see her care and love for others. One of her favorite phrases is "I do it myself" right now and everytime I hear it I think "she is not a baby anymore, she really is a big girl". In some ways it makes me sad, but I love seeing how thrilled she gets when she really can do something herself and learns something new. We are so thankful for our two year old bundle of energy and that God has blessed us with another sweet girl to care for and love!
Addison and Kendall we love you both and can't wait to see how you continue to grow and change. We pray that God continues to draw your hearts towards Himself and are thankful for the blessings you are in our lives!
Soon we will have another baby, one that will be totally dependent on us for everything. And just like it was with Addison when Kendall was born, I know that when Micah is born both of the girls will just seem so much older to me. And that may be the reason that I am looking at my girls and realizing that they are no longer babies, they are big girls now. I am also learning that is part of being a parent, it is both hard and exciting to watch your children grow up. For now I am just praying that I take the time to rock them while they still want to be rocked, kiss all their boo boos, and cuddle with them as long as I can.
1 comment:
Love this and love them! Two very sweet little girls!
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