Monday, April 4, 2011

Boy or Girl?

In just 34 hours we will find out the gender of our baby, which I plan to announce on our blog sometime Wednesday. This is always the appointment that I get really excited about...the ultrasound where your baby actually looks like a baby and not just a spot on the screen. I love seeing their little feet and hands and that sweet moment when they tell you "it is a boy" or "it is a girl".

This pregnancy people have been so funny about the gender. I guess because we already have two little girls, people assume that we really want a boy and would be disappointed if it was another girl. I don't know if it is just ingrained in our brains that a family needs a boy to carry on the family name or what, but the reality is that we will honestly be just as thrilled either way. Part of it is that I would still love to have more children and possibly adopt one day, so I feel like this baby will not be our last if God chooses to bless us with more.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to have a little boy one day, and to experience all that makes up "boys". I love having a nephew and seeing just how different he is and how his world is trucks, pirates, and trains while I live in a world of princesses and tea parties. On the flip side I would love another girl. I adore my daughters and we would all be so excited to add another girl to our family. I love to watch them dress up together and play house and princesses.
So whether the ultrasound tech says "it is a girl" or "it is a boy" we won't at all be disappointed, we will be excited to meet them and welcome them into our family. I know that boy or girl, God has a very special plan for this baby, and it is my prayer that his or her life will bring glory to Him.

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