About a week ago the girls asked to play outside after dinner and so we got some play clothes on (which for Kendall included a tutu) and headed outdoors. About 3 minutes later it started to rain. For those that do not know my oldest daughter Addison very well...she is a worrier about anything that is out of her thoughts of normal (and staying outside while it is raining is not usually normal). This sudden rain freaked Addison out because she is usually terrified she will get struck by lightning if one drop of rain falls from the sky :) But fortunately there was no lightning in sight and so I thought to myself "why not let them stay outside and play in the rain". I knew it might get a little messy and mean a load of grassy laundry, but how often do you get to run around and play in the rain in your life! I figured I have never seen adults just running around in the rain in their yard screaming and laughing, and I am pretty sure that I never will....although I do think it would be hilarious. As I watched the girls have so much fun getting wet and playing I thought....you are only kids once, so you might as well enjoy it! Here are some pictures that I snapped from that night....