Friday, July 1, 2011

Worth Waiting For

Over the past few weeks, God has been reminding me that the best things in life and the things that you cherish the most are worth waiting for....which has made me think about one of my favorite verses in times of waiting, Habakkuk 2:3 "For the vision is for the appointed time, it hastens toward the goal, though it tarries wait for it, it will certainly come, it will not delay."

When I finished college I left having already been a bridesmaid in three weddings and had most of my friends in serious relationships or already engaged. I remember many a night thinking to myself that somehow I had missed "the one" or just feeling like it was unfair that God was asking me to wait while so many of my other friends had already found who they wanted to marry. One year later I walked onto Belmont campus in Nashville to work MFuge for the summer, not realizing that David would be there or that we would fall in love. And suddenly all the heartbreaks of past relationships and all the waiting didn't seem so long after all.
David and I spent the next year driving back and forth from Georgia to Mississippi to see each other...a long seven hour drive. I remember thinking it will be forever until we are in the same state and don't have to do this every other weekend traveling just to spend time together! Ironic how quickly I forgot that waiting is part of the process and in the midst of it God teaches me so much. Instead I just thought it was unfair that other couples got to see each other whenever they felt like it instead of being states away. But again on June 17th, 2006, we got married and I moved to Georgia and suddenly we were together, and I realized that all the waiting was worth it.

Fast forward just two months from our wedding and we find out that we are pregnant with Addison. And as many pregnant women will testify the waiting seems endless. I have realized that I grow especially impatient the last 2 months when it is hard to move around and sleep. I remember being 3 weeks away from my due date and walking up hills everyday of my spring break from teaching just hoping that she would decide to come a little early. But as any parent will tell you, holding your baby for the first time makes the waiting all worth it, and she was.

Fast forward two years and apparently I forgot how long nine months really feels, because there I was pushing Addison in a stroller up hills to try to get Kendall to come early too. None of my own efforts worked, but as I watched Addison become a big sister and realized we were now a family of four, the waiting didn't seem so long and was definitely worth it.

And now there is Micah, and once again I am impatient for him to get here, impatient to see who he will look like and what his personality will be like. I am impatient to see Kendall become a big sister with Addison, and honestly I am a little impatient to be able to get off the couch without David's assistance! But this time around I am reminded that God has all of his days ordained and numbered (Psalm 139:16). So I am trying to be content and know that in the end when I see his face I will know that every day of this pregnancy that I spent sick or uncomfortable is all worth it.

And the past few months have been a huge reminder to me of Habakkuk 2:3. As David searches for a job and as we wait for God to bring us to the right church it has been hard not to grow impatient again. But God has been so sweet to remind us of this verse time and time again during this process..."the vision is for the appointed time"not my time, but His. And just with everything else in mylife I realize that "though it tarries wait for it, it will certainly come, it will not delay". There have been so manythings in life that I wanted to rush or to come on my ownterms in my own time, and I am learning that God's time and way is always the best!
But as I have learned, best doesn't always mean it is easy. There have been many days that it has been hard to wait about this. There are days where I am sure that David is realizing that he would not want to be a stay at home dad forever :) And there are days where we are just anxiousto know what God's plan is. But today I am reminded that itis always worth the wait. Just like it was worth the wait for David and all of my children I am trusting that this will be the same. And so that is what we are doing, waiting on God to lead us to the church He has for us next and trusting that His vision for us will certainly come and will not delay! Thankyou for all of our friends and family that keeps us intheir prayers and we are excited to see what God has planned forour family over the next months.

No Time for Flashcards

I don't know about any of you, but there is a part of me that loves summer and a part of me that dreads it! I love all the stuff that comes with summer...swimming, ice cream cones, Fourth of July, grilling out, and the list could go on and on. But I absolutely dread the long days of being stuck inside with the girls because it is unbearably HOT! For those that have not experienced summer in the south, it is pretty much miserable to be outside from the hours of 10 until 7 every day. So it can be pretty easy to get stir crazy with two little girls that are always very active and looking for stuff to do. And if I don't find some stuff for them to do, I can be certain that Kendall will find some messy mischief for herself! You would think with all their toys they would be occupied but often they are not, and I don't like to just have them spend their summers in front of the T.V.
So here is where I have turned to one of my favorite sites of all time.... It is amazing! It has ideas for outside activities and inside activities, messy and non messy. I can always find an activity that I have all the materials for because there are so many to choose from. I have used many of the letter activities to teach Addison her letters. Here is one example of an activity that we have done....

I hope that this post will help some poor mother out there that is stir crazy and doesn't want to go outside in the 100 degree heat :)