Friday, February 18, 2011

A Day in the Life...

I honestly thought when I started this blog that I would be able to keep up with it on a more regular basis...little did I know how sick I would be with baby #3. Thankfully I am starting to see the light at the end of the morning sickness tunnel (which as any pregnant woman will tell you seems ENDLESS at the time). I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who was praying for me during the last two months.

Over the course of that last two months God reminded me over and over how He truly does care about every aspect of our lives. Starting Jan. 1st David no longer worked at Flat Creek. Due to budget issues, they eliminated his position and he is currently applying to several churches for a lead pastor position. Because of this, David was home for every single day of my morning sickness and was able to take care of the girls when I was really too sick or tired to care for them. It just reminded me that what the world looks at as a bad situation was really something that God showed me He was using for my good and the good of our family during this time. It was just a sweet blessing to have David home, and he did the best job of taking care of me and the girls.

Speaking of the girls, they are keeping us busy these days and have loved the warmer weather and playing outside. Addison is almost 4 and is busy planning her birthday in two months...she has lots of ideas of what she wants and it changes every day. She is also still very much in love with the movie Annie and if you are around her long enough you will hear her bust out in "Tomorrow" or "Your Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile". Much to my delight we now own the soundtrack and listen to it almost daily in the car which has really helped Kendall also develop a deep love for the music! So I am fearful that this obsession will be around for a while :) Kendall will be two in just a month from tomorrow and she is a cuddly handful. She is friendly to all she meets and full of mischief. (In fact just last night we found her painting with David's toothpaste all over his bathroom walls!) I love this stage of toddler life where their personalities really start to come out and they start talking more and more each day. I am so thankful for both my sweet girls!
And for baby #3 we have decided on names already. Usually we wait until we find out the gender, but I always love picking names as soon as we can because it makes it all feel more real to me. With all of our children's names we choose a first name that we love and then their middle name is after someone in our family. I also love to choose at least one part of their name that has a good meaning. Addison Jane- the Jane is my middle name, my mother's middle name, and my grandmother's middle name and means "believer in a gracious God". Kendall Anne- The Anne is after David's mother's middle name and means "Grace, gift of God's favor". If this baby is another sweet girl her name will be Sydney Jean- Jean is the middle name of my sister and my sweet grandmother that passed away two years ago. Jean means "God is gracious". We love that all of their names, and I pray their lives, speak of God's unending grace to us! If we have a sweet baby boy his name will be Micah David. Micah means "Who is like God?" - and our prayer is that his life would speak to the truth that there is nothing and no one that can even compare to our loving and gracious God. I just happened to marry a boy who had the same name as both my father and my brother, so David was an obvious choice as a middle name, as it represents three men that I love dearly. David means "beloved"- and if we have a son he will be loved so dearly by so many.

Just an update also for those that are keeping up with us as far as David's job search...He has sent his resume to several churches in several different states, but as of now we have heard nothing. We know without a doubt that God does have a plan for our family and in His perfect timing He will show us the church that He has for us to serve. We know that this process can take a while and we are waiting on God's church for us not just the first offer that comes along. Please pray that our hearts will be discerning and God's voice will be clear as we wait on Him. Thank you and hopefully I will be able to keep up with the blog on a more consistent basis now that I am feeling better.