This past week we took the girls to one of their favorite events of the year...the preschool pajama party! They get to dress in their pajamas, eat pancakes, and do lots of fun activities with their friends. Just thought I would share a few of
my favorite pictures....
The girls playing in the "Snow" room. We don't get much in Georgia so sometimes we have to pretend. Kendall LOVED those fancy high heels they had lights and played a song the entire time she wore them, which was all night. Needless to say I am thrilled that they belong to the church :)
Addison admiring herself in the mirror in the "First thing in the morning" room. She loved having her hair rolled! It brought back lots of memories for me of the night before picture day and getting my own hair rolled as a child...thanks mom! :) Kendall also loved getting her hair fixed and makeup done.

Right before we left the house...both girls had to have a tutu to complete their outfit. I might need this picture in about ten years when they are fighting over something to remind them of how much they love each other :)
They are such sweet girls and we are truly blessed to have them in our lives!