Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pajama Party

This past week we took the girls to one of their favorite events of the year...the preschool pajama party! They get to dress in their pajamas, eat pancakes, and do lots of fun activities with their friends. Just thought I would share a few of
my favorite pictures....

The girls playing in the "Snow" room. We don't get much in Georgia so sometimes we have to pretend. Kendall LOVED those fancy high heels they had lights and played a song the entire time she wore them, which was all night. Needless to say I am thrilled that they belong to the church :)

Addison admiring herself in the mirror in the "First thing in the morning" room. She loved having her hair rolled! It brought back lots of memories for me of the night before picture day and getting my own hair rolled as a child...thanks mom! :) Kendall also loved getting her hair fixed and makeup done.

Right before we left the house...both girls had to have a tutu to complete their outfit. I might need this picture in about ten years when they are fighting over something to remind them of how much they love each other :)
They are such sweet girls and we are truly blessed to have them in our lives!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Working Heart

Today marks the anniversary of Rowe vs. Wade.
To date over 50 million babies have lost their life to

Okay so I have to admit that I thought that I would be posting more on this blog, but honestly I have been feeling pretty sick this week. Thankfully I have not been as sick as I was with Kendall but more sick than with Addison. I initially thought I was having a boy, but now I am not so sure...David might be largely outnumbered. I think I will still predict a boy because that has been my prediction with the last two pregnancies and I am thinking that if I stick with that answer one of these pregnancies I might be right. We will of course be thrilled with whatever gender the Lord blesses us with, and although I am sick everyday from about noon until bedtime, I am thankful that so far everything is on track and we have a healthy 9 week old baby.
Last Wednesday we had our first ultrasound and I am always amazed that the tiny little spot that they show you on the screen is actually going to grow into a newborn baby. Right now our baby is a mere half inch but by the end of it all he/she will be about 20 inches long. I always look at that little blip on the screen and think...this doesn't really look like a baby, but I can see an actual heart beating and working. Even at just 9 weeks our baby has arms and legs and an actual 4 chamber heart, which is amazing and completely a miracle. Our God is the ultimate Creator to take some cells and create a baby for us to love. It is so hard for me to understand how anyone can see that and think that those are not living babies full of potential and life. I am rejoicing in the life of our new baby and praying that even now this baby will live a life that has a purpose and brings glory to God. We are blessed beyond measure already for this little but very real life! And tonight my heart is with the many women that are struggling with the decision to end or give life to their own unborn babies, and my prayer is that they will see their baby as one full of potential and life as well.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Lamp Under a Jar

As I start this blog for our family, I was reminded of my quiet time passage yesterday in Luke chaper 8. Jesus is talking to the disciples and discusses how silly it would be to have a light and then put it under a jar. "No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts in under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light." It made me hope and pray that this blog will somehow be a light to others from our family. I pray that others that read this will see our love for Jesus and His love for them.
Many of my friends have started blogs about their families in the past year, and honestly I never really thought about starting one until this past week or so. I am very computer challenged (David could tell everyone how often I had to get him to help to even create this page :). But as our family is entering this new stage in our life with David looking for a new church to minister, and as we spend the next several months preparing to welcome baby #3; it just seemed like a great time to let our friends and family in on our lives on a more personal level. I look forward to blogging about our lives, our girls, and our relationship with Jesus over the weeks and months....may our light be visible for all to see!